In order to promote sustainability, DSA collaborates with stakeholders, experts and public entities to develop green regulations that govern the construction of buildings in California. We propose changes to the California Building Standards Code (Title 24 Overview), as well as develop and publishing interpretations of code and policies and procedures necessary for stakeholder understanding and coordination of enforcement among the DSA regional offices.

The building code becomes law when it's formally enacted by the appropriate authority. We are one of several state agencies that propose changes to the California Building and Administrative codes through the Building Standard Commission’s rulemaking process. The creation of regulation is directed through law. Regulations govern how the law will be enforced.

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Part 11 of the Title 24 Building Standards Code is the California Green Building Standards Code, also known as the CALGreen Code. This is the first statewide green building standards code in the nation. For more information, visit the California Building Standards Commission (CBSC) website.

The CALGreen Code is now published and available through the International Code Council at; and is posted online on the CBSC website.

The 2016 CALGreen Code became effective on January 1, 2017. All newly constructed buildings on new or existing sites shall comply with the CALGreen Code, Chapter 5. Scoping specifics for existing public schools and community college sites can be found in Chapter 3.

There are up to three parts to a CALGreen Code submittal to the DSA: California Energy Code (Title 24, Part 6), Outdoor Water Regulations, and all other DSA mandatory measures.

  1. The California Energy Code is part of the CALGreen Code in Chapter 5.2. Refer to "Energy Efficiency Regulations" section on this page for the self-certification checklists for the DSA submittal.
  2. Irrigated landscape work, new and rehabilitated, shall comply with the CALGreen Code, Chapter 5, Section 5.304.6. Refer to the "Outdoor Water Regulations" section on this page for the self-certification procedures and additional information.
  3. All DSA mandatory measures are summarized in the checklist, GL-4: Project Submittal Guideline for CALGreen Code, a quick reference to the provisions adopted by DSA.

All of the voluntary measures, as outlined in the Appendix Chapter A5 of the CALGreen Code, are optional and serve as a guideline to further encourage building practices that surpass the mandatory measures. Districts and planners of education facilities are encouraged to exceed the CALGreen Code to improve public health, safety, and general welfare by implementing the use of these building concepts to minimize the building's impact on the environment, conserve water, and promote more sustainable and high-performance schools and community colleges.


DSA-SS/CC has submitted proposed code changes to the California Building Standards Commission (CBSC). Information about the 2022 Pre-Cycle Activities—2022 Intervening Code Cycle is available on the CBSC website by selecting the desired phase of the code adoption cycle.

DSA-SS/CC accepts code change suggestions on an ongoing basis. If you would like to suggest a code change amendment for DSA's consideration, you may complete form DSA 665: DSA Code Amendment Proposal and submit it via email attachment to


California Building Standards Commission Meeting – August 1, 2023 – August 3, 2023

The Division of the State Architect – Structural Safety (DSA-SS) has submitted code adoption proposals (code changes) for Part 5 California Plumbing Code, Part 11 California Green Building Standards Code, for commission review and approval. These proposals are intended for inclusion in the 2022 California Building Standards Code (California Code of Regulations., Title 24) as an Intervening Code Supplement, which is scheduled for publication on or before January 1, 2024, with an effective date of July 1, 2024.

Written comments will be provided to the commission members if the comments are received by 5:00 p.m. Monday, July 24, 2023. Submit written comments using CBSC's e-Comment process or via CBSC's email.

Requests for accommodations for individuals with disabilities should be made to CBSC’s office no later than ten (10) working days prior to the day of the meeting.

Green 15-Day Public Comment Period – May 25 2023 – June 9, 2023

DSA submitted proposed actions (code changes) that are intended for inclusion in the 2022 California Building Code, Title 24, scheduled for publication in January 2024 with an effective date of July 2024. All proposed actions were the subject of a 45-day public comment period that ran through March 31–May 15, 2023. CBSC will accept additional written comments for at least 15 days between May 25 and June 9, 2023. All written comments be submitted no later than midnight on June 9, 2023.

For more information, including submittal documents, please see the CBSC's Green 15-Day Public Comment Period webpage.

Green 45-Day Public Comment – March 31 2023 – May 15, 2023

DSA submitted proposed code changes to the California Building Standards Commission (CBSC) for their 45-day public comment period. Written comments will be accepted by the CBSC from March 31, 2023, until midnight on May 15, 2023.

For more information, including submittal documents, please see the CBSC's Green 45-Day Public Comment Period webpage.

The public will have an opportunity to provide written and/or oral comments regarding the proposed action on building standards at a public meeting to be conducted by the CBSC to be scheduled at a date near the end of the current adoption cycle. A meeting notice will be issued announcing the date, time and location of the public meeting.

CBSC Code Advisory Committee Meeting – February 8–10, 2023

DSA has submitted proposed code changes to the California Building Standards Commission (CBSC) for inclusion in the 2022 California Building Standards Code. These items will be discussed at the CBSC’s Green Code Advisory Committee meeting on February 8–10. Public comments may be submitted to the CBSC prior to the meeting or may be presented verbally during the meeting.

The following items will be presented by DSA for discussion:

  • Division of the State Architect – Structural Safety (DSA-SS/CC 01/22) Adopt and amend the 2022 edition of the California Green Building Standards Code, Part 11, Title 24

Agenda meeting information and meeting documents are available on CBSC's 2022 Code Advisory Committee Meetings webpage.

CALGreen for Schools Workshop #2 – Sept. 30, 2022

DSA convened a workshop comprised of interested parties to provide input and feedback on proposed amendments to the CALGreen and Plumbing Codes on Sept. 30, 2022, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. The Initial Express Terms will be posted once available (prior to the workshop). 

The regulations will be proposed by DSA as part of the Building Standards Commission’s 2022 Intervening code cycle, which will become effective July 1, 2024. This precycle workshop will be hosted as a live webinar event. 

Click the links below for the workshop information:

CALGreen for Schools Workshop Aug. 24, 2022

DSA convened a CALGreen for Schools Workshop comprised of interested parties to provide input and feedback for future electric vehicle charging station (EVCS), carbon reduction standards, and all gender restrooms on Aug. 24, 2022, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

The regulations will be proposed by DSA as part of the Building Standards Commission’s 2022 Intervening code cycle which will become effective July 1, 2024.

Click the links below for the workshop information:

California Plumbing Code Gender Neutral Workshop – July 19, 2022

DSA and CBSC staff will convene a precycle workshop comprised of interested parties and state agencies to provide input and feedback for a gender-neutral restroom proposal on July 19, 2022 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.

The proposed regulatory updates may be considered for inclusion in the 2022 California Plumbing Code, Part 5, during the 2022 Intervening Code Adoption Cycle. The public is invited to participate and provide input and comments.

Click the links below for workshop information:

CALGreen Carbon Reduction Collaborative Workshop – June 30, 2022

DSA, CBSC, and the Department of Housing and Community Development staff will convene a CALGreen Carbon Reduction Collaborative (CCRC) comprised of interested parties and state agencies to provide input and feedback for future carbon reduction regulations in CALGreen on June 30, 2022 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.

The proposed regulatory updates may be considered for inclusion in the 2022 California Green Building Standards Code, Part 11, during the 2022 Intervening Code Adoption Cycle. The public is invited to participate and provide input and comments.
Click the following links below for the following information:

CALGreen Electric Vehicle Workgroup – June 16, 2022

The DSA, CBSC and the Department of Housing and Community Development staff will convene a CALGreen Electric Vehicle Workgroup meeting comprised of interested parties and state agencies to provide input and feedback for future electric vehicle regulations in CALGreen on June 16, 2022 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.

The proposed regulatory updates may be considered for inclusion in the 2022 California Green Building Standards Code, Part 11 during the 2022 Intervening Code Cycle. The public is invited to participate and provide input and comments.

Click the following links below for the following information:

 CALGreen Carbon Reduction Collaborative Workshop – May 19, 2022

The DSA, CBSC and the Housing and Community Development staff convened a CALGreen Carbon Reduction Collaborative comprised of interested parties and state agencies to provide input and feedback for future carbon reduction regulations in CALGreen on May 19, 2022, from 9:00 am. to 12:00 p.m.

The proposed regulatory updates may be considered for inclusion in the 2022 California Green Building Standards Code, Part 11 during the 2022 Intervening Code Adoption Cycle. The public is invited to participate and provide input and comments.
Click the following links below for the following information:

CALGreen Electric Vehicle Workgroup – April 14, 2022

The DSA, CBSC and the Department of Housing and Community Development convened at the CALGreen Electric Vehicle Workgroup meeting comprised of interested parties and state agencies to provide input and feedback for future EV regulations in CALGreen on April 14, 2022 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.

The proposed regulatory updates may be considered for inclusion in the 2022 California Green Building Standards Code, Part 11 during the 2022 Intervening Code Cycle. The public is invited to participate and provide input and comments.

Click the following links for more information:

Information on all joint workshop meetings is located on the CBSC Pre-Cycle Activities 2022 Intervening Code Cycle webpage linked above.

CALGreen Carbon Reduction Collaborative Workshop – April 4, 2022

The DSA and CBSC staff convened a CALGreen Carbon Reduction Collaborative which is comprised of interested parties and state agencies to provide input and feedback for future carbon reduction regulations in CALGreen on April 4, 2022 from 9:00 am. to 12:00 p.m.

The proposed regulatory updates may be considered for inclusion in the 2022 California Green Building Standards Code, Part 11 during the 2022 Intervening Code Adoption Cycle. The public is invited to participate and provide input and comments.
Click the following links below to review the notice, agenda and BSC webpage:



DSA-SS/CC has submitted proposed code changes to the California Building Standards Commission (CBSC). Information about the 2021 Triennial Code Adoption Cycle is available on the CBSC website by selecting the desired phase of the code adoption cycle.

DSA-SS/CC accepts code change suggestions on an ongoing basis. If you would like to suggest a code change amendment for DSA's consideration, you may complete form DSA 665: DSA Code Amendment Proposal and submit it via email attachment to

15-Day Comment Period – October 13, 2021 through October 28, 2021

DSA has submitted proposed code changes to the CBSC for their 15-day public comment period. Written comments will be accepted by the CBSC from Oct. 13, 2021, until midnight on Oct. 28, 2021.

See the Combined Notice of Proposed Action for the items below:

• DSA-SS/CC 03/21 – 2022 California Green Building Standards Code, Part 11

For more information, including submittal documents, please see the CBSC's 15-Day Public Comment Period webpage.

The public will have an opportunity to provide written and/or oral comments regarding the proposed action on building standards at a public meeting to be conducted by the CBSC to be scheduled at a date near the end of the current adoption cycle. A meeting notice will be issued announcing the date, time, and location of the public meeting.

45-Day Comment Period – August 13, 2021 through September 27, 2021

The Division of the State Architect (DSA) has submitted proposed code changes to the California Building Standards Commission (CBSC) for their 45-day public comment period. Written comments will be accepted by the CBSC from August 13, 2021, until midnight on September 27, 2021.

For more information, including submittal documents, please see the CBSC's 45-Day Public Comment Period webpage.

The public will have an opportunity to provide written and/or oral comments regarding the proposed action on building standards at a public meeting to be conducted by the CBSC to be scheduled at a date near the end of the current adoption cycle. A meeting notice will be issued announcing the date, time and location of the public meeting.

CBSC Code Advisory Committee Meeting – April 28 and 29, 2021

The Division of the State Architect (DSA) has submitted proposed code changes to the California Building Standards Commission (CBSC) for inclusion in the 2022 California Building Standards Code. These items will be discussed at the CBSC’s Green Code Advisory Committee meeting on April 28th and, if necessary, April 29th, 2021. Public comments may be submitted to the CBSC prior to the meeting or may be presented verbally during the meeting.
The following items will be presented by DSA for discussion:

• Division of the State Architect – Structural Safety (DSA-SS/CC 03/21) Adopt and amend the 2022 edition of the California Green Building Standards Code, Part 11, Title 24

Agenda, meeting information and meeting documents are available on the California Building Standards Commission website.


CALGreen Workshop – March 30, 2021 

The California Building Standards Commission and the Division of the State Architect staff will conduct a California Green (CALGreen) Building Standards Code workshop, virtually (by phone or computer) via Zoom on March 30, 2021, at 9 a.m. The workshop will discuss proposed code changes for inclusion in the 2022 CALGreen Building Standards Code.

The public is invited to attend and provide their input or comments. Details on the participation information is provided in the notice. Additionally, meeting materials may be viewed on CBSC Pre-Cycle Activities webpage. 

CALGreen Rulemaking Pre-Cycle Public Stakeholders Meeting – January 7, 2021

In place of the cancelled December 9, 2020, meeting, DSA, the CBSC and the Department of Housing and Community Development will cohost a rulemaking pre-cycle public stakeholders meeting on January 7, 2021. This meeting will be conducted virtually via Zoom; participation information is provided in the meeting notice.

DSA will present drafts of proposed code amendments for the 2022 CALGreen Code and solicit input regarding these items from public school districts, community college districts, public stakeholders, interested parties and the general public. The meeting notice and draft code amendments that will be discussed at the meeting are provided below.

• Part 11 Meeting Notice
• Definition – EV Capable Space
• Definition – EV Ready Space
• Definition – Non water Urinal with Drain Cleansing Action
• EV Charging
• Carbon dioxide (CO2) monitoring in classrooms
• Pollutant Control – Acoustical Ceiling and Wall Panels
• Pollutant Control – Thermal Insulation
• Shade Trees 

CALGreen Rulemaking Pre-Cycle Public Stakeholders Meeting – December 9, 2020 (Note: meeting was cancelled due to technical difficulties)

DSA, the CBSC and the Department of Housing and Community Development will cohost a rulemaking pre-cycle public stakeholders meeting on December 9, 2020. This meeting will be conducted virtually via Zoom; participation information is provided in the meeting notice.

DSA will present drafts of proposed code amendments for the 2022 CALGreen Code and solicit input regarding these items from public school districts, community college districts, public stakeholders, interested parties and the general public. The meeting notice and draft code amendments that will be discussed at the meeting are provided below.

• Part 11 Meeting Notice
• Definition – EV Capable Space
• Definition – EV Ready Space
• Definition – Non water Urinal with Drain Cleansing Action
• EV Charging
• Carbon dioxide (CO2) monitoring in classrooms
• Pollutant Control – Acoustical Ceiling and Wall Panels
• Pollutant Control – Thermal Insulation
 Shade Trees 


Information about the 2019 Intervening Code Adoption Cycle is available on the California Building Standards Commission (CBSC) website by selecting the desired phase of the code adoption cycle.

DSA-SS/CC accepts code change suggestions on an ongoing basis. If you would like to suggest a code change amendment for the Division of the State Architect's (DSA) consideration, you may complete form DSA 665: DSA Code Amendment Proposal and submit it via email attachment to


CALGreen Rulemaking Pre-Cycle Public Stakeholders Meeting - September 4, 2019

DSA held a rulemaking pre-cycle public stakeholders meeting on September 4, 2019, at the DSA Headquarters. DSA had prepared code amendments to current CALGreen Code requirements for inclusion in the 2019 California Building Code and was seeking input and comments from public school districts, community college districts, public stakeholders, interested parties and the general public.

CBSC Code Advisory Committee Meeting – March 4 and 5, 2020

DSA has submitted proposed code changes to the CBSC for inclusion in the 2019 California Building Standards Code supplement. These items were discussed at the CBSC’s Green Building & Plumbing, Electrical, Mechanical and Energy Ad Hoc Code Advisory Committee meeting. Public comments may be submitted to the CBSC prior to the meeting or may be presented verbally during the meeting.

The following items were presented by DSA for discussion on March 4th:

  • DSA-SS/CC 03/19 - Proposed Amendments to the 2019 California Plumbing Code (Part 5, Title 24)
  • DSA-SS/CC 04/19 - Proposed Amendments to the 2019 California Green Building Standards Code (Part 11, Title 24)

Agenda, meeting information and meeting documents are available on the California Building Standards Commission website.


45-Day Comment Period – September 14, 2018, through October 29, 2018

DSASS-CC submitted code change proposals to the CBSC for their 45-day public comment period. These items w reviewed and discussed at the CBSC meeting to be scheduled at a date near the end of the current adoption cycle. A meeting notice will be issued announcing the date, time and location of the public meeting. Written comments will be accepted by the CBSC from September 14, 2018, until 5:00 PM on October 29, 2018. For more information, please see the California Building Standards Commission website.

California Building Standards Commission (BSC) Green Building Code Advisory Committee Meeting – August 22 and 23, 2018

The California Green Building Code (Title 24, Part 11) code change proposals developed by DSA applicable to California public schools and community colleges will be reviewed and discussed at the CBSC Code Advisory Committee meeting on August 22, 2018, and, if necessary, on August 23, 2018.

Public comments may be submitted to the BSC prior to the meeting or may be presented verbally during the meeting. The agenda and meeting documents are available on the BSC website.

CALGreen Rulemaking Pre-Cycle Public Stakeholders Meeting – March 14, 2018

DSA held a rulemaking pre-cycle public stakeholders meeting on March 14, 2018, at the DSA Headquarters. DSA prepared code amendments to current CALGreen Code requirements for inclusion in the 2019 California Building Code, and sought input and comments from public school districts, community college districts, public stakeholders, interested parties and the general public. After two focus group workshops, this was the third and last forum planned to discuss DSA CALGreen Code proposals including two new code adoptions for Electric Vehicle (EV) infrastructure and shade trees.

CALGreen Rulemaking Pre-Cycle Workshop #2  January 18, 2018

DSA held a rulemaking pre-cycle workshop #2 on January 18, 2018, at the DSA Headquarters. The agenda included discussions about proposed CALGreen Code regulations regarding installation of Zero-Emission Vehicle (ZEV) infrastructure and shade trees at schools and community colleges.

CALGreen Rulemaking Pre-Cycle Workshop #1  October 10, 2017

DSA held rulemaking pre-cycle workshop #1 on October 10, 2017, at the DSA Headquarters. The meeting agenda includes discussions about ZEV infrastructure and alignment with the nonresidential code adopted by the CBSC.

The meeting agenda and documents related to discussion items on the agenda are available for download:


Headquarters Office

Division of the State Architect

1102 Q Street, Suite 5100
Sacramento, CA 95811

(916) 445-8100