Pacific ADA Center - ADA Opportunities for Small Businesses October 2023 Webinar
In case you missed the October 02, 2023, collaboration of the CCDA and the Pacific ADA Center ADA Opportunities for Small Businesses Webinar

ADA Opportunities for Small Businesses:
Accessibility and Customer Service
October 2nd, 2023
This webinar was hosted by the California Commission on Disability Access in partnership with The Pacific ADA Center. ADA compliance is a commitment to inclusivity and accessibility for all.
This webinar provided a discussion about disability awareness, effective communication, and accessibility under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). It shows the importance of inclusive language and respectful treatment of people with disabilities. It provides insight into effective communication, such as sign language interpretation and real-time captioning for those with hearing disabilities. Additionally, it discusses accessibility features for individuals with mobility impairments, including accessible parking, entranceways, restrooms, and service animals. Overall, the webinar emphasizes the importance of understanding and complying with ADA regulations to ensure that businesses and organizations are accessible and accommodating to individuals with disabilities.
Previously recorded webinar available on @AccessCCDA YouTube
Webinar Resource
The CCDA and the Pacific ADA Center: ADA Opportunities for Small Businesses Accessibility Customer Service 10-2-2023 (PowerPoint Presentation)
Webpage Content Issue
Presley Strother, Marketing and Outreach Analyst
Phone number: (916) 319-9976