About This Service

The Motor Vehicle Claims Unit reviews and investigates vehicle accidents involving State of California employees.

If you were involved in a vehicle accident with a state vehicle, are an attorney, or an insurance carrier subrogating for your insured, please report the vehicle accident to the claims unit by sending documentation to claims@dgs.ca.gov.

The State of California has a six-month statute of limitation. If your claim is not resolved within six months from the date of loss, California law requires you to file a formal claim with the Government Claims Program (GCP) (Government Code 900, et seq.). To obtain a claim form and to learn more information about the GCP process, visit File a Government Claim.

To Report a Vehicle Accident Involving:

  1. Employees complete the STD 270-Vehicle Accident Reporting Form (PDF) and supervisors complete STD 274-Supervisor Review of State Driver Accidents (PDF)
  2. Submit both documents to claims@dgs.ca.gov within 2 business days after the accident.

For additional information, please review Motor Vehicle Accident Procedures (PDF)

  1. Employees report the accident to the rental company.
  2. Complete the STD 270-Vehicle Accident Reporting Form (PDF) and supervisors complete the STD 274-Supervisor Review of State Driver Accidents (PDF).
  3. Provide a copy of the rental agreement, rental incident report and claim number.
  4. Submit all documents to claims@dgs.ca.gov within 2 business days after the accident.
  1. Employees report the accident to their insurance carrier.
  2. Complete the STD 270-Vehicle Accident Reporting Form (PDF) and supervisors complete the STD 274-Supervisor Review of State Driver Accidents (PDF). 
  3. Submit documents to claims@dgs.ca.gov within 2 business days after the accident.

Information Guides



Motor Vehicle Claims Unit

Office of Risk and Insurance Management
Department of General Services

P.O. Box 989052, MS-403
West Sacramento, CA 95798-9052

Toll Free: (800) 900-3634
Phone: (916) 376-5300
Fax: (916) 376-5277