Picture stating: October is Disability Awareness Month

Oct. 1st marks the beginning of National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM). This month recognizes the contributions of people with disabilities in the workforce. NDEAM also highlights the systemic barriers people living with disabilities face in accessing the workforce. Employment creates economic opportunity that enhances community participation. A business may be fully accessible to a person with a disability, but if that person cannot afford to access that business, then the community misses out on their contribution

The California Commissioner on Disability Access (CCDA) within DGS advocates for a more accessible, barrier-free California that emphasizes inclusivity, equal opportunities, and participation for all. The CCDA celebrates workers with disabilities, and the employers who create an environment where everyone, including employees with disabilities, can be successful. Please take a moment to think of one action step you will take this month to ensure your work environment is accessible to all.


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