Picture of former Commissioner Betty Wilson receiving an award with 3 people standing behind her.

Former Commissioner Betty Wilson was a passionate advocate for civil rights, program access, and cultural diversity. Throughout her career, Commissioner Wilson's commitment to inclusivity and equality left an impact on the realms of disability rights and the development of inclusionary policies.

Commissioner Wilson achieved a historic milestone by establishing the inaugural Department on Disability for a municipal government. This groundbreaking move laid the foundation for the propagation of federal and state laws, as well as local mandates pertaining to civil rights, with a specific emphasis on disability issues and policies. She served as a member of the United States Commission on Civil Rights and the California Commission on Disability Access (CCDA). Commissioner Wilson played a pivotal role in shaping policies and making recommendations to the state legislature. Her leadership as the Chair of the CCDA's Committee on Education and Outreach exemplified her commitment to providing comprehensive training and education on access compliance.

Commissioner Wilson represented the City of Los Angeles at international conferences, where she advised on legislative policy positions related to disability laws. Additionally, she provided technical assistance and training for City departments and the private sector, creating a more inclusive and diverse environment.

Commissioner Wilson participated in international conferences and consultancies. Her receipt of the United Nations Distinguished Service Award - Medallion de Excellence stands as a testament to her contributions in promoting equal opportunities for persons with disabilities. She acquired an impressive list of consultancies and presentations, including serving as a Plenary Session Speaker and Panel Moderator at the International Conferences on Equal Rights - Equal Possibilities in Moscow, Russia, and as a Plenary Session Speaker at the 2nd World Assembly for Women with Disabilities in Seoul, Korea.

The impact of Commissioner Wilson's advocacy and leadership will be remembered and cherished by all those whose lives she touched. Her legacy will continue to inspire future generations in the ongoing pursuit of a more inclusive society for all.


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