About this Service

Provides client agencies with specialized project management services at various stages of project delivery. 

Specialized services include:

  • Project Scheduling
  • Project Cost Estimating
  • Project Bid Services
  • Design Management
  • Construction Management

To begin with any of our services, please submit a Global CRUISE Request.

Specialized Services

Provides project scheduling services for client agencies at various stages of project delivery.

Conceptual Project Schedules are used to explore the viability of client’s future projects and to inform their 5-year plans. Conceptual schedules are usually prepared before any design work is accomplished and are typically based on a minimum amount of information from the client such as location, floor area, number of stories, and general function(s) of the project. These schedules are based upon overall project durations of similar, previously constructed projects. The accuracy of the schedules depends upon the amount of information know about the project.

Budget/Schematic Project Schedules are used to inform client’s 5-year plans, and as the basis of schedule and cost escalations for initial project Capital Outlay Budget Change Proposals (COBCP). These schedules are typically prepared based upon conceptual design drawings as part of a budget package or study of the proposed project with input from the client and minimal site investigations. Depending on how thoroughly the study was conducted, the schedules are based upon overall project durations of similar projects and/or a more detailed analysis of project tasks and durations.

Preliminary Plans and Performance Criteria Project Schedules are prepared for clients at the beginning of the Preliminary Plans (PP) Phase for design-bid-build (DBB) projects and the Performance Criteria (PC) Phase for design-build (DB) projects to help manage the PP or PC design, inform project stakeholders, and control the schedule for the variety of tasks that must be performed during the PP or PC phases. This project schedule includes many project tasks and is updated at least monthly to help keep the project on schedule. As new project information is discovered, new tasks are often added to the project schedule.

At the end of the PP or PC phase, a final project schedule update is prepared. These final schedules can be the most important schedules prepared as they establish the approved construction or design-build schedule based upon the approved project scope, and may be used to calculate cost escalation and establish the schedule for COBCPs for subsequent project phases. These schedules are based upon Preliminary Plans (35%) drawings and specifications for DBB projects or performance criteria and concept drawings for DB projects with extensive input from the client and additional site investigations.

Working Drawing Project Schedules are updated at the beginning of the Working Drawing (WD) Phase for design-bid-build (DBB) projects to help manage the WD design, inform project stakeholders, and control the schedule for the variety of tasks that must be performed during the WD phase. This schedule is updated at least monthly to help keep the project on schedule.

At the end of the WD Phase of a DBB project, a final WD project schedule is prepared and may also be prepared if interim costs estimates are performed. These schedules are based upon 50, 75, 90 and/or 100% working drawings and specifications with extensive input from the client and additional site investigations. The final WD project schedule may be used to calculate cost escalation and establish the schedule for COBCPs for subsequent project phases.

Construction or Design-Build Support Project Schedules are updated during the Construction or Design-Build phase of the project to inform project stakeholders, and control the schedule for the variety of tasks that must be performed during the WD phase. PMDB’s schedule is updated at least monthly to help keep the project on schedule.

In addition, we receive reviews and analyze the Contractor or Design-Builder’s schedules on a monthly basis and incorporate their schedule into PMDB’s project schedule.  We also analyze the schedule impacts associated with proposed change orders (PCO) to the Contractor to help decide if a PCO should be issued, or change order requests (COR) from the Contractor to analyze the validity of the COR and requests for time extensions.

Provides project cost estimating services for client agencies at various stages of project delivery.

Conceptual Estimates are used to explore the viability of client’s future projects and to inform their 5-year plans.  Conceptual estimates are usually prepared before any design work is accomplished and are typically based on a minimum amount of information from the client such as location, floor area, number of stories, and general function(s) of the project.  These estimates are based upon square foot costs of similar, previously constructed projects or other cost models.  The accuracy of the estimates depends upon the amount of information know about the project.

Budget/Schematic Estimates are used to inform client’s 5-year plans and as the basis of costs for initial project Capital Outlay Budget Change Proposals (COBCP).  These estimates are typically prepared from conceptual design drawings as part of a budget package or study of the proposed project with input from the client and minimal site investigations.  Depending on how thoroughly the study was conducted, the estimates are based upon square foot costs and/or more detailed material quantity and cost estimates. 

Preliminary Plans and Performance Criteria Estimates are prepared for clients at the end of the Preliminary Plans Phase for design-bid-build (DBB) projects and the Performance Criteria Phase for design-build (DB) projects.  These estimates can be the most important estimates prepared as they establish the approved construction or design-build cost based upon the approved project scope and may be used as the cost basis for COBCPs for subsequent project phases.  These estimates are based upon Preliminary Plans (35%) drawings and specifications for DBB projects or performance criteria and concept drawings for DB projects with extensive input from the client and additional site investigations.  Detailed cost estimates for materials and installation are prepared.

Working Drawing Estimates are prepared for clients at the end of the Working Drawings Phase of a DBB project and may also be prepared at interim design milestones depending upon the type and size of the project.  These cost estimates are cost control measures to maintain the previously authorized project costs.  However, if there are approved scope changes, the final working drawing estimate may be used as the basis for a COBCP for the Construction Phase.   These estimates are based upon 50, 75, 90 and/or 100% working drawings and specifications with extensive input from the client and additional site investigations.  Detailed cost estimates for materials and installation are prepared.

As-Bid Estimates are prepared for clients after contracts are awarded which incorporate the actual bid price into the Project’s cost estimate.  These estimates are used as the basis for the amount of funds transferred for the Construction Phase.

Construction or Design-Build Support Estimates are prepared during the Construction or Design-Build phases of the project to estimate the cost of proposed change orders (PCO) to the Contractor to help decide if a PCO should be issued, or the cost of change order requests (COR) from the Contractor to analyze the validity of the COR.  Detailed cost estimates for materials and installation are prepared.

Provides project bid services for client agencies for various types of contracts.

Budget Packages, Studies, Performance Criteria and Design, or other Consulting Service Contracts are procured by PMDB by administering a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) process and negotiating project specific and/or retainer contracts with the most qualified firms.

Design-Bid-Build Contracts are procured by PMDB by preparing contract documents, advertising for and receiving bids from contractors, and executing contracts with the lowest responsible bidder.

 Design-Build Contracts are procured by PMDB by preparing performance criteria and concept drawings, administering an RFQ process to short-list the most qualified design-build (DB) firms, and then administering a Request for Proposal (RFP) process to select the DB firm that submits a proposal that provides the best value to the State.

Provides design management services for client agencies for both DGS in-house and contracted design services.

Budget Packages, Studies, Preliminary Plans, Work Drawings, Performance Criteria, Design-Build design phase, and other Design Management services are provided by PMDB to deliver projects that are on time and within budget, and satisfy the program requirements and legal authorizations.

Provides construction management services for client agencies.

Design-Bid-Build and Design-Build construction phase construction management services are provided by PMDB to deliver projects that are on time and within budget, and satisfy the program requirements and legal authorizations.


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