(Revised: 09/2023)

Reporting to DGS/PD/OSDS

The Department of General Services (DGS), Procurement Division (PD) Office of Small Business and DVBE Services (OSDS) is the centralized entity to which consolidated contracting activity reports are submitted. The report provides fiscal statistical information on each department’s Small Business (SB)/Microbusiness and Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise (DVBE) contracting activities to the Legislature.  The reporting period is July 1 – June 30 and the report is due by October 1, each year.

When reporting these activities, state agencies must ensure the accuracy of this data by implementing and conducting a thorough review of the proposed report prior to submission to the DGS.  This review must also include a sampling of the state agency’s highest dollar value contracts that included DVBE, Microbusiness, Nonprofit Veteran Service Agency, SB, Small Business for the purpose of Public Works (SB-PW), and sub-contracting participation.  This sampling must verify and reconcile:

  • The amounts awarded.
  • The certification status at time of contract award.

State agencies must save and make available upon request to the DGS, a written statement signed by the PCO confirming completion of the review of the Contracting Activity Report, which shall include:

  • An itemized list of the sampled contracts.
  • A brief explanation of the review sampling methodology applied.

A contract is defined as the agreement between the state agency and a contractor regardless of the contract form used.

The table below provides more detail.




Contracting Activity Report

(STD. 810)

Departments are required to award 3% of State purchasing to DVBEs and 25% of purchases to SBs.

PCC, Section 10111 and Military and Veterans Code sections 999 et seq. require departments to report these activities.

Improvement plan
When a state department does not meet the required state contracting participation for SB/Microbusiness (at least 25%) or DVBE (at least 3%), an SB/DVBE Participation Improvement Plan must be developed and submitted via DGS Shared Service Portal by October 1 following the end of that fiscal year.
The Participation Improvement Plan includes questions related to federal Infrastructure Investments and Jobs Act (IIJA) funded contracts.
For IIJA- funded contracts, departments must answer “Yes” and answer the subsequent IIJA-related questions.
GC Section 14838.1(i)(2)
require departments to submit a plan of action (Participation Improvement Plan) to meet their participation goals during the current fiscal year. 
Infrastructure Bond Activity and Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (STD 810A)

This report provides statistical data on SB/Microbusiness and DVBE participation when using the Infrastructure Bond funding (I-Bond) and/or the federal Infrastructure investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) funding.

GC Section 14838.1(b)
Infrastructure Bond Acts of 2006 (I-Bond)

Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021 (IIJA)

Consulting Services

(STD 810C)

Departments are required to report all consulting services contracts that have been entered into, amended or completed during each fiscal year.

PCC, Section 10111

SB/DVBE Option and DVBE Incentive

(STD 810S)

Departments are required to report contracting activity using the SB/DVBE Option and the DVBE Incentive.

PCC, Section 10111(e)(7)

Ethnicity, Race and Gender, Sexual Orientation (ERGSO)

(STD 810E)

Departments are required to report voluntarily submitted information by business owners by race, ethnicity and gender. This report captures the level of participation for goods, services and construction contracts. The ERGSO will be returned to the departments via paper copy. The buyer will enter the information for each purchase/contract in the system, and the department will compile the information and submit to DGS annually.

The report shall also contain the sexual orientation of the business owners for the types of aforementioned contracts.

PCC, Section 10111

PCC, Section 10111(f)

State Department’s Contractor DVBE Subcontracting Consolidation Report

(STD 810D)

Departments are required to collect information from a prime contractor that committed to subcontract with a DVBE firm upon completion of an awarded contract.

MVC 999.5(d)


Due Dates


Report Period

Due Date

Annual Report

July 1st – June 30th

October 1st

Click here to access the STD 810 reports' instructions and forms web page.

How to Report

Participation Improvement Plan must be submitted to DGS via DGS Shared Service Portal

Other reports will be submitted by departments into the FI$Cal system, but will also have the option, to submit directly to the DGS Report Coordinator by IMS, mail, or in person:

DGS/Procurement Division

Office of Small Business and DVBE Services

Attn: Reports

707 Third Street, First Floor, Room 400, IMS Z-1, MS 210

West Sacramento, CA 95605


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