Rejecting Non-Conforming Goods - 2000.5

Process for Rejection of Goods

The following process should be followed if the goods are not in conformance with any requirements of the Contract/PO (including technical specifications):




The person rejecting the goods must immediately communicate the problem(s) and rejection, via the system, to the buyer.
2 The buyer is responsible for notifying the supplier within the specified timeframe identified in the General Provisions after delivery or tender under Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) 2602, making arrangements to hold the rejected goods somewhere protected from damage, and taking reasonable care of rejected goods until the supplier can take possession of the goods and remove them from the site. 


The buyer is responsible for providing a notice of rejection letter to the supplier describing the defect(s) that renders the delivery as non-conforming to the Contract/PO, what the delivery and inspection criterion was, and how the delivered product does not conform.

The buyer can accept any unit of measure (e.g., lot, case, and pallet) and reject the rest (UCC 2601).

IT Example:

A department executed a Contract/PO document for 50 desktop monitors, but the supplier shipped 75 desktop monitors.  The receiving staff may either reject the entire shipment or accept the 50 desktop monitors in accordance with the provisions of the Contract/PO document.  The remaining 25 desktop monitors will be rejected and returned to the supplier.

Non-IT Example:

A department executed a Contract/PO document for 50 cases of bond paper, but the supplier shipped 150 cases of bond paper.  The receiving staff may either reject the entire shipment or accept the 50 cases of bond paper in accordance with the provisions of the Contract/PO document.  The remaining 100 cases of paper will be rejected and returned to the supplier.


If the supplier, within a reasonable time period or as stated in the Contract/POs, does not remove rejected goods, the department buyer may:

  • Ship products back to the supplier at the supplier’s expense.
  • Store the rejected goods with reimbursement required from the supplier for any incurred costs.

Timely Supplier Notification

Departments are required to contact the supplier in a timely fashion or as specified in the purchase documents, when rejecting goods that are over-shipments, defective, or for any other non-conformance to the purchase document.

Returned Stock Report (STD. 108)

Non-FI$Cal Users, in accordance with State Administration Manual, Section 8422.20 departments will prepare a STD. 108 when returning goods to a supplier.  This documentation shall also be provided to the buyer to follow up with the supplier as necessary.  The STD. 108 shall also be retained in the procurement file.

Click here to access the Returned Stock Report (STD.108).

Return to Vendor

FI$Cal Users, when the need arises to return a good to a supplier, departments will process a Return to Vendor (RTV) transaction in the FI$Cal System. The system will print a RTV label for the buyer to return the product. This shall be processed by the buyer and the buyer shall follow up with the supplier as necessary.

Suppliers may require buyers to obtain a return authorization before shipping goods back to the supplier.

Buyers should contact the supplier prior to returning goods to confirm and follow any return authorization processes as required by the supplier.


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