CAL-Card Program Participation Requirements - 1902.3

Request to Participate (RTP) Form

State agencies granted purchasing authority that are interested in participating in the state’s CAL-Card Program are required to provide a completed Request to Participate (RTP) form to the contractor awarded the Purchase Card Services Leveraged Procurement Agreement (LPA).

Click here to access the CAL-Card website for participation forms.

State Agency Contract with CAL-Card Contractor

In addition to the RTP form, state agencies are required to execute a contract with the contractor utilizing the state’s contract form (outlined in the User Instructions) in accordance with the terms and conditions of the DGS Purchase Card Services LPA.  Once the state agency and the contractor enter into a contract, the formal implementation process is initiated.

Requirement to Designate Staff, Roles, and Responsibilities

State agencies that have met the initial CAL-Card Program participation requirements must also designate the following staff assignments to perform program administration responsibilities.

If you are the

Your administration responsibilities include:

CAL-Card Program Administrator (or Alternate)

  • Overseeing your state agency’s CAL-Card program.
  • Administering new and existing accounts.
  • Maintaining records of all account set ups and/or updates.
  • Maintaining audit file records for verification.
  • Monitoring system reports.
  • Providing program procedures and training.
  • Taking appropriate action related to account maintenance and payment process.
  • Coordinating CAL-Card procurement activities with the state agency’s purchasing authority contact(s).
  • Monitoring past due reports.
  • Authorizing the purchase with the assigned purchase card.
  • Ensuring that all transactions comply with purchasing authority requirements.
  • Complying with all state and state agency procurement policies and procedures.
  • Reconciling the CAL-Card statement transactions with receipts and supporting documentation.
  • Reviewing and approving the CAL-Card statement transactions.
  • Filing a Cardholder Statement of Questioned Item (dispute form) for billing issues unresolved with merchants.  Click here to access the dispute form.
  • Monitoring disputes through resolution and closure.
CAL-Card Approver
  • Approving Budget expenditure.
  • Complying with all state and departmental procurement policies and procedures.
  • Reviewing and approving cardholder statements.
  • Maintaining familiarity with the duties and authorities of the authorized cardholders.
  • Timely submission of the CAL-Card statements to the billing office for payment.
Accounting/Billing Office Contact
  • Receiving and reconciling CAL-Card statements to the corresponding monthly invoices.
  • Ensuring timely payment of the CAL-Card program invoices.
  • Monitoring invoice payments and past due reports through completion.
  • Reporting inconsistencies to the CAL-Card Agency Program Administrator.


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