Request for Proposal for IT Solicitations - 1406.2

Request for Proposal (RFP)

The Request for Proposal (RFP) is a written solicitation document required for IT goods and/or services acquisitions complex in nature or of elevated risk.  The RFP format is structured like the IFB to allow organization of requirements by type such as administrative/technical specifications, evaluation methodology, bid preparation instructions and contract language.

The RFP states the solicitation requirements or specifications in a more general nature describing the problem to be solved or the goal to be achieved.  Suppliers “propose” a business solution to the State’s described needs, free of any precise imposed mix of hardware, software, etc.

The risk assessment process is completed in the planning stage of the procurement. It is important to re-evaluate risk and revise the risk assessment plan, as warranted, during the procurement process as conditions change.

Click here to access the RFP IT Goods and/or Services template

Click here to obtain the Elements of the Solicitation for IT Services or IT Goods and Services

Phased Approach

An RFP allows phases to the procurement effort by establishing dates for suppliers to provide specified required documents, such as Intent to Bid letter, Conceptual Proposal, Detailed Technical Proposal, Draft Bid, and Final Bid.  The RFP requires cost to be submitted in a separately sealed envelope and requires technical and administrative evaluation to occur prior to opening the cost envelope.  Cost envelopes will not be opened for bid responses containing material deviations.

For value effective acquisitions the results of the administrative and technical score shall be made available before the cost proposal opening (see Public Contract Code, Section 12102.2 (a)(2); for the rule on solicitations under the Alternative Protest Process, see Public Contract Code, Section 12125 et seq.)

Changes to RFP Rules and Requirements

Pursuant to Public Contract Code (PCC), Section 12104.5, any changes to the rules and requirements governing that RFP shall be communicated in writing to all vendors that have expressed intent to bid and shall be posted in a public location.

Documentation of IT Project Information Pertinent to Creation of an RFP

Information technology purchases for which it is determined that an RFP is appropriate, if the following information is not already identified and documented in the Project Approval Lifecycle (PAL) document the department shall identify and document the following, with respect to IT procurements, prior to releasing the RFP.

  • Legislative mandate, State business, or operational reason for the IT procurement
  • Existing business processes currently used to accomplish the legislative mandate, State business, or operational reason.
  • Most important priorities for the IT project to accomplish
  • What current technology is being used and how it is being used
  • If the data used in a proposed IT system comes from multiple sources, the existing business processes or technical systems that produce and maintain the source data to ensure interoperability
  • How the new IT project leverages existing technology investments while accomplishing its business objectives

Availability of Pertinent IT RFP Project Information

To ensure prospective bidders have access to information related to IT projects/procurements during the procurement process, departments shall post the related PAL or SPR with the RFP Bid Package to the California State Contracts Register (CSCR).  If the IT project/procurement is to be conducted by DGS/PD, the department for which the IT project/procurement is being conducted shall ensure that the most current approved PAL/SPR is provided to DGS/PD.

Information on an PAL/SPR that could impact the department or the State’s security shall be censored on the copy placed on the CSCR.

If there is no related PAL or SPR, a statement indicating this shall be included in the RFP.

California Department of Technology Review of RFPs

Pursuant to PCC, Section 12104(c) all IT RFPs shall be reviewed by the California Department of Technology (CDT) prior to release to the public.

Contract Award

The evaluation criteria governing contract award is based on value-effective factors that includes cost.  These factors are weighted; generally, the administrative and technical requirements equal 50% and cost equals 50%.

If a weighting other than 50/50 is chosen, it must be approved by DGS/PD before the solicitation is released.  All factors for evaluation must be detailed in the evaluation section of the RFP.

Contract award if made, will be to the responsive/responsible supplier who scores the highest points in accordance with the evaluation methodology as described in the solicitation document.  Contact DGS/PD for advice on preparation of value effective acquisition methodologies.

Evaluation and Selection Report Team Procedures

When using the RFP format, an Evaluation and Selection Report Team procedures document is to be used.  This document provides information on how the RFP evaluation procedure is to be carried out.  The document may be modified to fit the particular solicitation and selection process used for contract award.  The Evaluation includes templates of letters and the Selection Report. These items, along with all RFP transmittal documents to bidders, including the Intent to Award Letter, must be completed and kept in the procurement file.

Click here to access the sample Evaluation and Selection Report Team Procedure document.

Evaluation and Selection Report

When using the RFP format, an Evaluation and Selection Report must be used to document the evaluation and selection process used for contract award. 

IT Goods and Services Solicitations Exceeding $1,000,000

All competitive IT goods and services solicitations valued more than $1,000,000 shall use the IFB/RFP solicitation format provided in the link below which includes DGS/PD-developed IFB/RFP Section II, Rules Governing Competition.


The State’s Bidder Instructions may be used if the procurement is straight-forward and the evaluation and selection is based on lowest net cost meeting all other bid specifications.

Click here to access the IFB/RFP Solicitation format.

Note:  In rare instances, modification of Section II may be deemed necessary.  In such an instance, departments must request, justify, and obtain DGS/PD approval when requesting the copy of Section II for use in an IFBs/RFPs.  Any changes, if approved, will be made by DGS/PD.


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