(Revised: 09/2007)

State employees may be required to serve as a juror for the following:

  • Civil or criminal trial
  • Grand jury
  • Jury of inquest

Employees who receive regular compensation while serving as a trial juror on a civil or criminal case will not be paid an attendance fee, pursuant to Section 215 of the Code of Civil Procedure.

Jurors serving on a grand jury or jury of inquest may receive an attendance fee. If employees elect to retain these attendance fees, such jury duty time off is not compensable. The employee must charge absence without pay, or if a sufficient balance exists, vacation, annual leave, or CTO on the Absence and Additional Time Worked Report form, STD. 634.  If employees do not elect to retain the attendance fees, such jury duty time off is compensable and employees must remit the attendance fees to the state.  This will be reported on the STD. 634 form.  The human resources office will submit a copy of the STD. 634 form to the accounting office. The form will serve as a source document for recording an accounts receivable – abatement.

When serving as any type of juror, employees may be reimbursed for mileage by the governing body, e.g. court, city, or county. Any mileage reimbursement shall be retained by the employee.

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