(Revised: 02/1999)

Salary warrants not delivered within five days of pickup shall be returned to the office which distributes salary warrants. A written record of all undelivered warrants will be maintained and a copy given to the payroll office.

Warrants not delivered within 90 calendar days of receipt must be deposited and remitted to an escheat revenue account in the original fund that provided the resources to the State Payroll Revolving Fund.

Agencies will maintain a subsidiary ledger of all amounts credited to and disbursed from the escheat revenue accounts.  Subsequent claims made by payees within 2 years of the date the warrant was credited to the escheat revenue account will be processed by filing a claim schedule against an escheat revenue account. For those amounts credited in the current fiscal year, the claim schedule shall be filed against the current year escheat revenue account. For those amounts credited in a prior fiscal year, the claim schedule will be filed against the prior year escheat revenue account. The State Controller's Office will process the claims regardless of the balances in the escheat revenue accounts.

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