Department of Conservation (DOC) - 606

Public Contract Code, Section 10295.5 prohibits departments from purchasing sand, gravel, aggregates, or other minerals produced from a surface mining operation subject to the Surface Mining and Reclamation Act of 1975 unless the Department of Conservation (DOC) has determined that the surface mining operation is eligible to sell materials to the state.

If a department purchases sand, gravel, aggregates, or other minerals from a mining operation that is not on the DOC’s list of approved mining operations, then the department must:

  • Obtain both a retailer’s certification of the supplier’s identification and the Department of Conservation’s listing of approved mines in effect at the time of the award and contains the originating mining operation.
  • Document the procurement file that the items acquired came from an acceptable source.

Warning: Departments must obtain sufficient supplier certifications until the originating mining operation’s identification can be determined.

Refer to the Department of Conservation’s listing of approved mining operations and a Surface Mining and Reclamation Act Certification Form.


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