Not Specifically Priced Items (NSP) - 1607.3

Open Market, Incidental, Non-Contract Items

The only time that open market/incidental, non-contract items, may be included in a CMAS purchase order is when they fall under the parameters of the Not Specifically Priced (NSP) Items provision.

If the NSP provision is not included in the CMAS contract, or the products and/or services required do not qualify under the NSP parameters, the products and/or services must be procured separate from CMAS.

Non-Contract Products and Services that are Subordinate and Peripheral

The NSP Items provision enables the department to include in the purchase order non-contract products and services that are subordinate and peripheral to the other purchase order items, under the following conditions:

  • An order containing NSP items may be executed only if it results in the best value alternative to meet department needs.
  • Any product or service already specifically priced and identified in the contract may not be identified as an NSP item in an order.

All NSP items included in an order executed against a CMAS contract are subject to all the terms and conditions set forth in the contract.

Dollar Limits

Maximum Dollar Limitation:

  • Purchase orders $250,000 or less: Total dollar value of all NSP items must not exceed $5,000.
  • Purchase orders exceeding $250,000:  Total dollar value of all NSP items must not exceed 5% of the total cost of the purchase order, or $25,000, whichever is lower.

NSP not Available

Not all contracts include the NSP provision.  The NSP provision is included at the option of the contractor and the CMAS Unit.  Review your CMAS contract for the NSP provision.

The NSP provision is not included in contracts that are only for services or only for software.

Department orders for NSP items only are prohibited.

Manufacturer Authorization Required

Departments must substantiate (through manufacturer authorizations) that the contractor is an authorized provider of the products and product-related services (maintenance, repair) that are offered under the NSP provision.

Clearly Identify NSP

The NSP items must be separately listed and clearly identified on the order.

Items Specifically Excluded

The following NSP items ARE SPECIFICALLY EXCLUDED from any order issued under the contract:

  • Items that are not intended for use in direct support of the CMAS priced items identified in the same purchase order.  A NSP item must be subordinate to the specifically priced item that the NSP item is supporting.
  • Supply type items, except for the minimum amount necessary to provide initial support to the priced CMAS items included in the same purchase order.
  • Items that do not meet the Productive Use Requirements for information technology products.
  • Any other items or class of items that are specifically excluded from the scope of the CMAS contract.
  • Public Works components that are NOT incidental to the overall project requirements.  See CMAS Agency Packet, Section 16, Public Works Projects.
  • Products or services the Contractor is NOT factory authorized or otherwise certified or trained to provide.
  • Follow-on consultant services.

Trade-ins and upgrades, involving the swapping of boards, are permissible where the CMAS contract makes specific provisions for this action.  In those instances where it is permitted, the purchase order must include the replacement item and a notation that the purchase involves the swapping of a board.


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