IT Services - 1002

IT Personal Services are services that have someone doing IT-related services, e.g., hardware, software, or system maintenance services.

IT Consulting Services are services of an advisory nature that provide a recommended course of action or personal expertise (product of the mind). This may include subject matter experts or specialists within the IT field overseeing technical projects or providing IT training.

Resumes and customer references should always be reviewed to ensure the level of expertise and experience matches the project requirements or skill levels as identified in the solicitation or request for offer, as well as in the applicable LPA service contracts (CMAS or MSA).

The end product may transmit information, either written or verbal, and is related to the governmental functions of a state department’s administration and management and program management or innovation. It may include anything from answers to specific questions to the design of a system or plan and includes workshops, seminars, retreats, and conferences for which paid expertise is retained by contract.


Independent Verification and Validation (IVV) consulting services or Independent Project Oversight (IPO) consulting services are considered IT services because they provide oversight and validation on large IT Integration Projects (required by SIMM, Section 45). These services must be acquired in adherence to IT procurement rules.


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