(New: 08/2014)

The following are requirements for water use for state agencies:

  1. State agencies shall purchase, install and operate WaterSense or equivalent (labeled) industry standard fixtures and equipment (including irrigation equipment) whenever it is available, cost-effective, and meets quality requirements.
  2. Landscape plants shall be selected based on their suitability to local climate and site conditions, and reduced water needs and maintenance requirements.
  3. All new and renovated state buildings and landscapes shall utilize alternative sources of water wherever cost-effective. Sources may include, but are not limited to: recycled water, graywater, rainwater capture, storm water retention, and other water conservation measures.
  4. State agencies should perform the following critical activities for water use reduction:
    1. Implement Best Management Practices (BMPs)

    BMPs are ongoing actions that establish and maintain water use efficiency. State agencies must implement the BMPs in the Water Use Reduction Guidelines and Criteria. State agencies are responsible to review and apply these BMPs to all facilities they occupy.

    1. Complete Building and Landscape Inventories: State agencies should complete a Building and Landscape Inventory every five years. The quantitative inventory requires a facility walk- through to assess the types, numbers and condition of all water using fixtures, appliances and irrigation equipment.
    2. Implement a Landscape Water Budget Program: Large landscape areas over 20,000 sq. ft. should be managed and water use tracked with a landscape water budget program. Large landscape water use often represents a significant percentage of a facility’s water use, and significant water savings can often be achieved through better irrigation scheduling or inexpensive improvements in irrigation hardware. Landscape maintenance staff should attend an WaterSense-labeled training program to become proficient in landscape water budgeting and water management.


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