(New: 08/2014)

The following are water use reporting requirements for state agencies:

  1. General Requirements

    By March 1 of each year, state agencies shall enter complete annual water use data for the preceding year into the Energy Star Portfolio Manager database. Agencies shall provide online access to this data upon completion to the Department of General Services, Office of Sustainability, and notify upon completion to sustainability@dgs.ca.gov.

    Agencies may exclude process water from the annual reporting and water use reduction requirements. Also excluded is water used for fish and wildlife habitat, livestock maintenance, and firefighting. Annual usage will be measured against the baseline data previously reported by each state agency to determine if water reduction targets are met.

  2. Instructions for Leased Facilities

    New and renegotiated state leases shall include provisions for reporting water use where economically feasible. Agencies managing state-owned buildings are to report water usage. If agencies lease a building or space (state owned) managed by DGS, DGS will report the water use for that building space. If a state agency other than DGS manages the building or space, that agency will report the water use for that building.

  3. Estimating Water Use at Facilities without Water Meters

It is understood that not all state facilities can report actual water use, because metering or sub-metering is not available. This does not exempt these agencies/facilities from responsibility for active management of water consumption or reporting of water use. Baseline and ongoing water use can be estimated based on the water use ratings of fixtures and appliances at the site, the duration per use, amount of usage, and the number of occupants. Department of Water Resources Water Use Reduction Guidelines and Criteria document provides guidance on how to baseline water usage and report annual usage for facilities without meters.

Agencies operating in these facilities should also apply Best Management Practices for Water Use, and document policies for purchasing/replacing water-using fixtures and/or equipment with higher efficiency models. If not cost prohibitive, state agencies should make water meter installations a priority so they can obtain accurate measurements of water use.


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