Fee Schedules, Medical and Related Services - 0192

(Revised: 03/2014)

Fee schedules. Fee schedules include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following:

  1. Medical.
  2. Dental.
  3. Optical.
  4. Hospital.
  5. Nursing home.
  6. Related services.
  7. Drugs.
  8. Medical appliances.

These fees are binding on the programs of all agencies except those financed under an insurance principle as in the case of the State Compensation Insurance Fund and the Disability Insurance Program.

Department of Health Care Services has the primary responsibility for developing fee schedules for medical, dental, and related services. Policy related to priorities, expansion, or contraction of medical care programs is the responsibility of the program agency.

Sections of the schedules of maximum allowances for medical and related services are published and periodically revised by the DHCS. If you need a copy, contact the department.

Advisory Committees.  Advisory Committees selected for the administrative and technical staffs of program agencies concerned with medical care will be established. These committees will be created as needed to advise DHCS on a particular problem or group of problems.  They will serve until a solution for the problem or issue is developed.


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