(Revised: 05/2017)

In accordance with Government Code section 16401 (and unless otherwise allowed in statute), revolving funds drawn under the provisions of Government Code section 16400 may only be used for payment of compensation earned, travel expenses, travel expense advances, or where immediate payment is otherwise necessary. In determining whether immediate payment is necessary, the determining factor is whether payment could be made through the normal process of presenting claims and a State Controller's warrant issued.

Sufficient spending authority contained in the Budget Act, constitution, statutes, or other spending authority must exist for the related fiscal year of the revolving fund disbursement. For a budget act item or other spending authority not available during a budget impasse in a new fiscal year, revolving fund disbursements for the prior fiscal year are allowable, however revolving fund disbursements for the current fiscal year are not.

SAM sections 8111–8123 detail some of the most common uses of the revolving fund.

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