Request for Travel Expense Exception Approval - 0715

(Revised: 06/2014)

CALHR will consider travel exception requests when:

  1. Appropriate or unavoidable lodging, and/or meal expenses occur while on travel status within 50 miles of headquarters. These circumstances require prior approval by the appointing power.

    CALHR PML 93-28 delegated to agencies/departments the authority to approve exceptions to the “50 mile rule” when certain criteria are met. Certain reimbursements which are made under the provisions of PML 93-28 may be deemed reportable income. Contact your departments’ accounting office for clarification on this issue.

  2. Lodging costs associated with regular travel, and conferences/conventions are in excess of the approved State rates found within CALHR Rules 599.619(a), 599.621(a), and the MOU. Exception requests must be submitted and approved on an Excess Lodging Rate Request form (STD 255C) , found here, prior to the trip taking place. Details about the approval process for the STD 255C may be found on CALHR in the Human Resources Manual. Visit for more information.

CALHR requires a minimum of 10 days advance notice; please submit request at least two weeks in advance of the trip.  No request will be considered after the date of travel.


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