(Revised: 03/2019)

The Public Records Act, Government Code (GC) Sections 6250- 6270, provides public access to information that is collected and maintained by state and local entities, mindful of the right of individuals to privacy. The State of California is committed to unlocking the value of government data to propel innovation, improve the delivery of public services and empower the people of California while protecting privacy. Information is a valuable resource and a strategic asset to State Government, its partners, and the public. Managing government information as an asset will increase operational efficiencies, enhance performance planning, improve services, support mission needs, inform policy decisions, safeguard personal information, and increase public access to valuable government information. Open data helps ensure that all public datasets are discoverable and fuels entrepreneurship, economic development and scientific discovery. To ensure that State Government is taking full advantage of its information resources, Agencies/state entities shall manage their data as an asset from the start and, wherever possible, release it to the public in a way that makes it open, discoverable and usable.


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