(New: 02/2016)

In an effort to streamline the process, OFAM is establishing a substitution process to address a demonstrated, immediate business need to substitute an approved replacement asset and/or approved asset purchase. The substitution process shall only be used in limited circumstances. The substitution process shall not be used to circumvent the Fleet Acquisition Plan Addendum process.

In specific circumstances, a substitution for an approved replacement asset or approved asset purchase may be necessary. These circumstances include, and are limited to: a vehicle that is inoperable, not cost effective to repair, and/or stolen, and the department has a demonstrated immediate need to replace that fleet asset with one that was already approved on a FAP.

In limited circumstances a department may also substitute an approved fleet asset purchase for another type of fleet asset. Such substitution shall only occur when there is a demonstrated immediate need for the vehicle to be purchased and the needed vehicle is no longer available on the state contract, and/or if the fleet asset no longer meets the department’s business needs due to changes in program’s business needs for which the asset would be used (i.e., fleet assets tied to an emergency Executive Order, Declaration and/or legislation). Substitutions may only be performed on approved, current FAPs that have not expired. Substitution requests must be submitted on the Fleet Acquisition Substitution Form and include all required information (OFA 6, if applicable), justification, and signature by the department’s director. The substitution request must meet the required justification criteria and compliance with the Energy Policy Act (
EPAct), Miles per Gallon (MPG) standard, and Executive Order B-16-12The substitution request shall be approved by the Chief of OFAM. (An electronic copy of the Fleet Acquisition Substitution Form can be found at the DGS website located at Fleet Acquisition Substitution Form:)

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