(Revised: 12/2013)

Employees who are unable to work due to the effects of their work related illness or injury are entitled to a temporary disability (TD) benefit. Any time lost on the date of injury is paid as *Administrative Time Off (ATO). TD benefits commence after the employee has served a three day waiting period. The waiting period is waived if the employee is temporarily disabled for more than 14 days, is hospitalized, or the injury was a criminal act of violence against the employee.

TD benefits are paid directly to the injured employee by State Fund. The TD benefit is 2/3 of the employee’s average weekly wage, subject to the minimum and maximum benefit amounts in place for the date of injury.

Employees may choose to supplement their TD payments with available leave credits to make up the difference between the TD benefit and their normal take home salary. TD payments are not taxable, but supplementation is taxed at the employee’s normal rate. The employee continues to receive full service credit, leave accruals, and merit salary adjustments.  No contributions to CalPERS/CalSTRS are made from TD payments.

TD benefits cease when the employee is no longer temporarily totally disabled or the statutory limit is reached.

Industrial Disability Leave will be paid in lieu of temporary disability for all eligible employees.  See SAM Section 2583.11.

*ATO is a form of paid administrative leave status initiated by appointing authorities.


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