MATTRESS - 1930.6

(Revised: 01/2015)

Although mattresses are bulky, hard-to-manage products, many of their components can be recycled. In fact, according to a 2012 CalRecycle-commissioned mattress case study recycling mattresses saves landfill space and is estimated to offset 45 percent of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions associated with the production and landfilling of these products.

The California Used Mattress Recovery and Recycling Act (SB 254, Hancock, Chapter 388, Statutes of 2013) aims to reduce illegal dumping, increase recycling, and substantially reduce public agency costs for the end-of-use management of used mattresses.

This law requires a non-profit mattress recycling organization (MRO) to design and implement the Mattress Stewardship Program. The MRO’s plan will outline how it intends to fulfill its responsibilities under the law and communicates a course of action to stakeholders and the public.  CalRecycle is required to approve the stewardship plan and provide oversight and enforcement to ensure a level playing field among program participants. The approved stewardship plan and a list of compliant mattress manufacturers and brands will be posted and made available to the public on CalRecycle’s website. The mattress program is expected to be fully operational in early 2016.

Mattresses manufactured by the Prison Industry Authority (PIA) and purchased by the state or its agencies are exempt from the Act’s recycling charge and any end-of-life incentives that may be established by the MRO, as noted in Public Resources Code Section 42989.2.1. Mattresses sold subject to this exemption shall be permanently marked or labeled to clearly identify them as having been manufactured by PIA.

More information can be found on CalRecycle’s Mattress Product Management webpage: CalRecycle Mattresses


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