(New: 12/2013)

On and after January 1, 2004, each state agency and each large facility shall divert at least 50 percent of all solid waste through source reduction, recycling, and composting activities.  Each state agency and large state facility is also required to designate at least one solid waste reduction and recycling coordinator to oversee the implementation of waste management programs. Commencing January 1, 2007, pursuant to Public Resources Code (PRC) 42921.5, the 50 percent diversion requirement is measured by comparing the per capita disposal rate in subsequent years with the equivalent per capita disposal rate that would have been necessary for the state agency or large state facility to comply with the 50 percent diversion requirement (for additional information about the measurement system see State Agency Laws and Regulations). Also, beginning 2012, each state agency and large state facility is to annually submit a state agency waste management report to CalRecycle by May 1. For more information on state agency waste management report: Waste Management Annual Report.

Additionally, Public Contract Code (PCC) sections 12200-12217, the State Agency Buy Recycled Campaign (SABRC), and related PCC sections 12180-12184, include purchasing and reporting requirements for state agencies regarding products purchased by the State of California, in specific product categories. The requirements state that if fitness and quality are equal, each state agency shall purchase recycled products instead of non-recycled products whenever recycled products are available at the same or lesser total cost than non-recycled products. For more information on SABRC reporting: CalRecycle.


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