California Building Standards Commission

3109.2 California swimming pool safety act (statewide)

Amended to reflect Senate Bill 1078, Statutes of 2018.

Department of Housing and Community Development

3115 Intermodal Shipping Containers, Exception 5

Adopted IBC Section 3115 and added an amendment to clarify that the use of shipping containers constructed or converted off-site that qualify as Factory-built Housing pursuant to HSC Section 19971 or Commercial Modular(s) pursuant to HSC Section 18001.8, must be approved by HCD.

State Fire Marshal

3111.3.5 Elevated photovoltaic (PV) support structures and 3111.3.5.1 PV panels installed over open grid framing or non-combustible deck

Amendment establishing appropriate fire testing and listing criteria for overhead photovoltaic (PV) support structures that could have people or vehicles in the space beneath them.

Division of the State Architect

3115 Intermodal shipping containers

Added regulations regarding the use of shipping containers.