
The reports listed below with an asterisk (*) are impacted by DSA’s recent project submittal process change. The data captured in the reports remains on the bin time; the data does not reflect the projects submitted through the new appointment process. Once the transition between processes is complete, the reports will be altered to reflect the appointment process data.

Definition of Process Phases

Overdue – The period of time after the five working days grace period when the project is submitted to DSA on the registered submittal and the date DSA commences plan review.

Plan Review – The phase during which DSA reviews project plans for compliance with applicable codes related to structural safety, fire and life safety, and accessibility. This phase concludes when DSA returns all comments on any noncompliant items to the project’s design professional.

Design Professional Correction – The phase during which the project’s design professional prepares any necessary changes to the project plans in response to DSA’s plan review comments.

Back Check – In-person appointment(s) between DSA and the project’s design professional to review and approve the corrections prepared by the design professional in response to DSA’s plan review comments.

Stamp Out/Approval – The date when DSA formally approves the project plans as confirmation that the plans comply with all applicable codes related to structural safety, fire and life safety, and accessibility. Once the project is stamped out/approved and the school district or community college hires the appropriate professionals, construction may begin.

Pending or Active Construction – Projects that are pending construction and were approved by DSA, but have not yet begun construction. Projects under active construction and were approved by DSA, and construction is currently underway.

Certification – Final phase of DSA project oversight, which confirms the project was properly constructed. During and after the project is constructed, DSA reviews required documentation submitted by all design professionals. When all documentation required to verify that construction was properly completed is received and verified by DSA, the project is certified. Projects occupied without certification are projects that DSA was unable to certify, but which have been occupied by the school district or community college. DSA continuously strives to work with districts and project professionals to certify previously occupied without certification, occupied projects. Certified projects are projects that are occupied and DSA was able to certify.

This report is under review, please contact the DSA Communication and Policy Unit for further information.

This report is under review, please contact the DSA Communication and Policy Unit for further information.

This report identifies the number and estimated construction cost of projects submitted to DSA through various phases of review and oversight.

This annual report indicates DSA’s progress in certifying projects occupied without certification. The number of occupied without certification “legacy projects” over time (projects that were occupied without certification as of December 31, 2010).

Email dsacommunication@dgs.ca.gov for copies of the archive documents.

Contact the Performance Metrics Unit

Headquarters Office

Division of the State Architect

1102 Q Street, Suite 5100
Sacramento, CA 95811

