Jim McGowan Portrait

In the temporary absence of a CBSC Executive Director (ED), Jim McGowan was appointed Special Consultant to the Commission effective June 15, 2023. Jim is actively supporting the day-to-day business of the commission and assisting with the recruitment process for a new ED. In addition to his nearly 34-year career with the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD), Jim served as CBSC’s Deputy Executive Director (2010) and Executive Director (2011-2016) prior to his retirement.

While with HCD, Jim advanced into management to serve as the Program Operations Manager, Division of Codes and Standards, overseeing the administration of six statewide housing code enforcement programs, including manufactured housing, factory-built housing, employee housing, mobile home parks and state housing law. His primary responsibilities included the development of building standards and regulations to implement the programs. During his tenure with HCD, Jim was appointed chair of the District Representative Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee, HCD’s program to develop and train its inspection staff.

After a short-lived retirement from HCD that lasted all of one month, Jim joined CBSC as a retired annuitant. He was tasked with developing aspects of CALGreen, the 2010 California Green Building Standards Code, and was the CBSC liaison for the newly formed California Commission on Disability Access. When asked why he would return to a full-time position, Jim quickly stated that his personal interests were in mentoring, training and equipping staff for upward mobility and self-improvement, and sharing his knowledge. And he’s doing it again as a special consultant.

When Jim isn’t working you can find him “in, on or under water.” He enjoys his sailboat, is a certified rescue diver and an avid fly fisherman.