Alternate Workweek Schedule
It is the policy of the Department of General Services (DGS) to permit alternate workweek schedule (AWS) for full time employees when it is in the best interest to the State. When operational needs are not compromised, the 4/40 or 9/80 AWS may be considered. Participation in AWS is voluntary and subject to the Office/Branch Chief’s approval.
An AWS is a variation of the standard 5-day/40-hour work schedule in which a full time employee completes a 40-hour workweek in a compressed schedule. This provides flexibility in balancing home and work like without disrupting operational needs and quality service to DGS customers.
Participation in the AWS program is not limited by classification or employee Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). However, individual divisions may modify the participation portion of the policy based on their operational needs. The following are some examples of legitimate business and operational needs; however, it is not all-inclusive:
- A public contact unit requiring frequent or regular clarification of State rules or regulations
- A position involving frequent, daily program consultation with management, peers, the legislature, or clients
- A position responsible for providing frequent supervisory/managerial direction regarding work activities
- Assignments requiring immediate emergency response such as law enforcement or fire suppression
- Assignments involving regular requests for assistance such as a medical response
To participate and remain in the AWS program, the employee must have and maintain a cumulative balance of at least twenty (20) hours between vacation/annual leave, compensating time off (CTO), and excess hours (EH). These hours will be used to supplement an employee’s time when the employee works less than the required number of hours for the pay period. Only employees having achieved a satisfactory or higher rating on the latest Performance Appraisal/Individual Development Plan (IDP) or probationary report may participate.
- Employee must submit an Alternate Workweek Schedule Agreement (DGS OHR 64) to his/her supervisor with a copy of the appropriate calendar attached (see calendars below) thirty days prior to the requested effective date, which is the beginning of the next pay period following the 30-day notice.
- The AWS request will be reviewed by the employee’s immediate supervisor and coordinated with the second-level supervisor to ensure the DGS’ operational needs are being met.
- If approved, the supervisor and employee must sign the DGS OHR 64 and provide a copy to the office's attendance clerk. The supervisor and employee should retain a copy of the request and calendar.
- If disapproved, the supervisor shall notify the employee in writing of the reasons for the denial.
- The office’s Attendance Clerk will submit a copy of the AWS request and calendar to the Personnel Transactions Unit (PTU) to be filed in the employee’s Official Personnel Folder (OPF).
If the employee is already participating in the AWS, s/he and his/her supervisor must submit a new AWS request and calendar at the beginning of each calendar year.
An AWS may be terminated by (refer to the MOU regarding required notice time):
- Employee
An employee who wishes to terminate his/her AWS must submit a signed, written notice including a projected termination date, which shall be the end of the pay period. - Office Chief (upon recommendation of the employee’s supervisor)
If the supervisor determines that operational needs are being impaired or the work hour schedule is being abused, s/he may give written notice to the affected employee to terminate or make permanent changes to the AWS. -
If an employee has been on dock three pay periods during a calendar year, the Supervisor may terminate the AWS. Employees who lose eligibility to participate in the alternate work schedule for this reason may reapply after a period of six months following reversion to the 5/8/40 work schedule and meeting all other criteria.
A full time employee who is serving jury duty or pending approval of a State Compensation Insurance Fund or Non-Disability Insurance claim beyond the required waiting period shall temporarily revert to a 5/40 (8-hour day) schedule until s/he returns to work. The State Controller's Office recognized only 8-hour days for reimbursement of these benefits.
Alternate Workweek Calendars
Prior to beginning an alternate workweek schedule, a DGS OHR 64 must be completed and approved.
Calendars for Alternate Workweek Schedules
Responsible Control Agency
- Department of Human Resources
- Department of General Services
Laws and Regulations
- Government Code section 19996.19-.29, 19853
Other Resource Materials