About This Service:

State agencies can utilize the Energy Savings Program to reduce energy use, carbon emissions, and operation costs from facilities by working with OS staff and a pre-qualified energy service company (ESCO). Common upgrades include lighting, HVAC, chillers, boilers, and Building Management Systems (BMS). Contact the Office of Sustainability if interested. 

Projects implemented by the Energy Savings Program annually save the state:

$6,374,451 in operating costs
38,140,425 kWh in electricity
239,119 therms in natural gas
Across 21 completed projects with 10 agencies

California Department of Food & Agriculture Del Mar Fairgrounds Case Study

California Department of General Services East End Complex Case Study

California Department of Motor Vehicles Headquarter Case Study


  • Often no up-front cost to the agency.

  • Project management is handled by experienced Project Directors.

  • Ongoing energy savings.

  • New and improved facility equipment.

  • Reduced greenhouse gas emissions.

  • Improved conditions for building inhabitants through better lighting and temperature control.

  • Provided Measurement & Verification of final project energy savings.

  1. Initiating agency will contact the Office of Sustainability (OS) and provide access to building utility data.
  2. OS will initiate remote energy screenings of the building portfolio to identify potential energy saving upgrades.

  3. OS will present the potential sites to the agency to determine which sites to investigate further. The agency will specify a desired payback period.

  4. OS will engage an ESCO (Energy Service Company) through a Request for Proposal process to perform an Investment Grade Audit at the chosen sites.

  5. ESCO will present recommended projects to the agency. Agency will have the final say on what projects proceed.

  6. OS will obtain loan financing for the projects. The agency has the option to provide additional funds if the agency wants to go beyond a cost-neutral project.

  7. ESCO will obtain all regulatory approvals, manage construction, and provide regular updates to the agency throughout the process.

  8. Upon completion of the projects, the ESCO will provide Measurement and Verification that the guaranteed savings were achieved. The results will be verified by OS.

  9. Project costs are generally offset by energy cost reductions.
DGS OS will secure a loan to cover the project costs that will be paid off by the agency using the yearly energy cost savings. Most loans will be secured through DGS GS $MART or DGS OS Revolving Loan Fund.

These energy savings companies are available to perform energy savings projects through the Energy Savings Program. DGS Office of Sustainability will work with client agencies to determine the best contractor for your project.



Bay City Mechanical


CEG Solutions



EVA Green Power

Johnson Controls




Southland Industries






Energy Savings Program

Department of General Services
Office of Sustainability

707 Third St.
West Sacramento, CA 95605

Contact Information: 

 Email: OSEnergySavings@dgs.ca.gov