Translations and Alternative Formats


Translations of these lists may be accessed through the "Translate" option in the upper right corner of your screen. For alternative formats, please send a request using the button under "Alternative Format Request" found on this page.


As part of its interagency agreement with the California Department of Education, the Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH) maintains a list of attorneys and a separate list of advocates who self-certify that they are knowledgeable about Special Education and that they offer services either free or at a low cost.  OAH considers the primary purpose of these lists is to help parents of children with exceptional needs to locate free or reduced cost representation in preparation for special education due process hearings. 


OAH does not represent that the individuals placed on the list offer free or low cost services. It is important that if you choose to use the list that you contact the attorneys and advocates to discuss their fees. 


On September 28, 2017, the California Attorney General’s Office issued  opinion No. 14-101 addressing the participation of advocates in special education proceedings before the Office of Administrative Hearings.  You are encouraged to read the opinion if you are considering retaining the services of an advocate.  The opinion can be found at:


To access the lists identified above, please click on the name of the list to go the appropriate page. For example, to access the list of attorneys offering their services throughout all of California, click on "Attorneys - All California."



OAH will include on the list all persons and organizations that provide a complete application, and certify that they provide free or reduced cost representation within the meaning of Education Code section 56502, subdivision (h).  Requests to update information already included in a listing may be made by submitting a new, complete application, identifying the information that represents a change to the existing listing.  


Applications, and change requests, will be processed according to the order in which they are received as staff time allows.  Applicants will be notified when their information has been added to the list, or when the requested change or changes have been made.  


  Applications and change requests may be submitted at any time.


Applicants may either submit the completed form application or a letter which contains all of the information requested in the form application. If a letter is sent the letter must contain, in addition to the information requested on the form, the following language with the appropriate signature:  "I declare under penalty of perjury that the person or organization identified above provides free or reduced cost representation or other assistance within the meaning Education Code section 56502, subdivision (h)."

To be deemed a complete application the application must:

  1. Identify if the applicant is seeking to be on the attorney list or the advocate list.  If the applicant wishes to be on both the attorney list and the advocate list, then all information on the application must be the same for both the attorney listing and the advocate listing.  If the information will be different, for example, the areas in which advocate services is limited to Southern California but the attorney services are provided in both Southern California and San Diego Area, then two separate applications will need to be submitted.  Additionally, if the application is meant to be for both the individual and the corporation, then the individual on the application must be the contact for the corporation.
  2. If the applicant is an individual, the applicant's name must be legible and must state in the following format:  last name, first name.  If a title is included, the title should be stated after the first name.  For example, Dr. John Doe should be stated as: Doe, John, Dr. 
  3. Website and email addresses, if provided, must be complete.  For example, if the website address has "https://www" as part of the address, this must be included in the application.  Website addresses such as "" will not be accepted.
  4. Geographic areas served must be identified.  If all areas are checked then the listing will only be included in the "All California" listing.
  5. The application must be signed by the applicant or someone authorized to sign on behalf of the organization. 


All information must be legible, including the numbers.  Be sure the entire number is clearly shown in the fields. Please ONLY include that information you wish to have available to the public.  For example, please do not include your physical address if you do not wish it included in your listing on the website. 

The application or letter should be submitted to

For name changes, and changes to areas served, address, phone or fax numbers, email or website addresses, please submit a new application with the correct (new) information by email to, along with an explanation as to which items are being changed.  The explanation as to the items being changed may be submitted in the body of the email.  

Removal of an entry on the list, e.g. attorney is no longer with the same firm, or if the individual or organization no longer wishes to be on the list, may be submitted by email to  Please completely identify the individual or organization being removed. 


The link to the application for inclusion in the Attorney or Advocate lists is posted below.


Alternative Format Request

All forms and publications on this website are available in alternative formats.  If you would like a copy of a form or publication in an alternative format, please contact us at